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What is padel?

What is PPT – Padel Pro Tour?

Padel Pro Tour (PPT) is the Professional Padel Circuit.

It was born in 2005, promoted by a group of professional padel tournament organizers, as the result of the agreement between the Asociación de Jugadores Profesionales de Pádel (AJPP) and the Asociación Femenina Española de Pádel (AFEP).

The PPT is managed by the non-profit society “Padel Pro Tour, SL”, that guarantees and evaluates both quality parameters demanded by the circuit’s regulations and the prizes for professional padel players that participate. This entity manages the PPT through a series of organs created especially for each of its organization areas: quality, technical area, marketing, etc. (See organization).

Each competition is property of its own organizer, who will exploit it taking into consideration the quality and profitability criteria that each one decides, always from the minimum established by the PPT, that will ensure and guarantee its compliance.

PPT competitions are directly under the same in regard to the Competition Rules, disciplinary regulations, etc.

All of them are registered in the Calendar, including the international ones that are holed out of Spain. In the PPT exists an eminently international vocation in a near future.

All those competitions that deserve it are included in the Calendar, according to the PPT’s Board of Directors’ view, in order to satisfy the conditions required by budget, location, advertising and organization, and that have previously requested their inclusion.

The calendar consists of 20 tournaments in men’s category and 8 in women’s category. At the end of the season a Master will be played, where the top-ranked male and female PPT players will participate.


name licence number number of clubs web page
Fed internacional de padel www.padelfip.org
Asociación de Jugadores profesionales www.ajppadel.com
Circuito Profesional de Pádel www.padelprotour.com
Asociacion Argentina de padel  www.padel.org.ar
Asociacion de padel Uruguay www.padel.com.uy
Confederação Brasileira de Pádel www.cbpadel.com.br
Deutscher Paddle Verband www.paddleslice.de
Federação Portuguesa de Ténis www.tenis.pt
Federación Española de Padel www.padelfederacion.es
Federación Mexicana de Pádel www.femepa.com.mx
Fédération Belge de Padel www.padelbelgium.com
Féderation Française de Padel www.ffpadel.fr
Federazione Italiana Tennis www.federtennis.it/paddle
Österreichischer Padel Sportverband www.padel.at
Padel Association of Canada www.padelcanada.ca
Padel Federation of U.K. www.padelfederation.co.uk
Scheweizer Padel Verband www.swisspadel.ch
Sweden Padel Federation www.padelsweden.se
United States Padel Association www.usapadel.com
Federacion española de padel www.padelfederacion.es
Federació catalana de padle 9279 112 www.fcpadel.com
Federación Aragonesa de Pádel 909 28
Federación Navarra de Padel 2303 16 www.federacionnavarradepadel.com
Federación Vasca de Pádel 2838 48 www.fvpadel.com
Federación Cántabra de Pádel 1659 21 www.federacioncantabradepadel.com
Federación de Pádel del Principado de Asturias 494 20 www.fppa.es
Federación Gallega de Pádel 111 20 www.fgpadel.com
Federación de Padel Castilla y León 1669 63 www.padelcyl.es
Delegacion riojana de padel 133 5
Federación Madrileña de Padel 5034 111 www.padelmadrid.net
Federacion Castilla la mancha 249 22 www.fap.es
Federación Valenciana de Pádel 2689 154 www.padelcv.com
Federación Murciana de Padel 817 35 www.fedpadelmurcia.com
Federación Extremeña de Pádel 1202 18 www.fexpadel.com
Federación Andaluza de Pádel 5836 252 www.fap.es
Federacion de padel de les illes balears 355 28
Federacion de padel de ceuta 43 2 www.federacionpadelceuta.com
Federación Melillense Padel 655 13 www.padelmelilla.com
Federacion canaria de padel 575 20 www.federacioncanariapadel.com


Pça. Ciutat de Figueres, núm.1 baixos local 3
Girona 17003 - SPAIN